Sunday, April 23, 2006

5 Reasons NOT to Attend College

Forbes Magazine has just realesed an article that has 5 reasons you should skip college. They are:

1. You'll be losing four working years
2. You won't necessarily earn less money
3. In fact, you could make more money
4. You can learn outside a classroom
5. Plenty of other people did fine

The author of this articles goes on to say that the people most succesful in life are not those who graduate from a four year university, but those who are smarter. Some of the most succesful people are not those who graduated from college, but those who actually dropped out, or never even finished high school. An example they give here is Bill Gates. Gates dropped out of Harvard and started the multi-billion dollar company Microsoft. This article claims that studies have proven that the higher the students SAT score, the higher the income he/she will earn as an adult. This article goes on to say that many profesions now a days do not require formal learning. However most of the learning is taught while actually on the job (more of a master/apprentice style). The only real reason to go to a 4 year university is to get the "college experience". I don't know about you, but I'm going to take my chances and go for the "college experience" because I think that everything this article said was ridiculous.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Iguanas becoming pests for Florida residents

Over the last few decades in Boca Grande, Florida, iguanas have always been a way of life there. However, the problem now has become out of control. There are an estimated 12,000 of these black, spiny-tailed lizards. These lizards have become pests in the area destroying gardens, nesting in attics, and burrowing in the beach dunes making them weak. In Lee County, a tax has been put in place in order for scientists to study these creatures in Gasparilla, a neighboring island. In this region, there are about 10 iguanas for every resident. It has gotten so bad that Bonnie McGee keeps a pelet by her door and blows them away when she sees them.“They eat your flowers and their feces is everywhere,” she said, adding that she’s killed dozens. “Some people toss them in the canal and the hermit crabs feed on them.” Another reason why the residents would like to get rid of these lizards is because they carry Salmonella with them. This has caused a scare in most residents.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Officer repramanded for showing "Brokeback Mountain" in prison

A correctional officer in Boston, Massachusetts (Bean Town), is being disciplined for showing his inmates the Oscar Award winning movie "Brokeback Mountain". His boss concluded that the movie has some content that is innappropriate to show in a prison. Diane Wiffin, Massachusetts Department of Correction spokeswomen, said that this action was not because of the movies gay plot love affair, but because of the graphic content within it. “It was not the subject matter. It was the graphic nature of sexually explicit scenes,” Wiffin said. The officer who showed this movie to prsioners failed to get the movie approved, therefore he will be repremanded for his actions, however, Wiffin did not give any details on his punsihment.


Sunday, April 02, 2006

Iran a Threat?

In Tehran, Iraq, they have created and tested a major missle that is capable of destroying large warships and submarines at high speeds under water. Gen. Ali Fadavi said that this missle is capable of travaling at 223 mph under water. If this is so, then it is 3 to 4 times faster then the world's fastest torpedo. Iran calls this the fastest under water missle, but apparently the Russian built VA-111 Shkval, made in 1995, travels as fast the Iranian missle. “It has a very powerful warhead designed to hit big submarines. Even if enemy warship sensors identify the missile, no warship can escape from this missile because of its high speed,” Fadavi told state-run television.