Sunday, May 20, 2007

The Most importat thing I've learned

I have learned many valuable things this year, but I would say that the most valuable thing I have learned was through the business project. This strenuous, and somewhat annoying project taught me many things about economics. I never knew that running a business could be so much work. I could only imagine the stress levels of some business owners. I can now appreciate all of the hard work that some of these business owners have done. If your business is successful, then more times then not, you have earned the rewards.

Another thing that was important in my learning was our journey through the amendments. I now have a better understanding of my rights as an American. I can honestly say that before studying the amendments, I knew nothing about my rights. But after our journey, I came out with a fairly good understanding of what I am entitled to as an American.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Six Years from now

Six years from now I plan on having graduated from Biola University with a bachelors in Philosophy, and possibly Biblical Studies. Double majoring is something that I am currently interested in, but I do not know if it will be possible. If it is not, then I will definitely have my B.A. in Philosophy. I see myself attending Talbot School of Theology at Biola and getting my Masters in Philosophy of Religion and Ethics. The Philosophy program that they have over there, run by J.P. Moreland, is one of the best in the country on the Masters level. While going to school over there, I will hopefully be living in Apple Valley and working at Apply Valley Christian as a Philosophy or Christian Thought teacher. The reason for this is because I believe deeply in the direction that Mr. Watson is trying to take the school and I think that alumni need to be a part of it if we really what these ideas to take off. However, if I do not have the opportunity to teach back at the school, then I will more than likely try to teach at another Christian school around the La Mirada area. After my Masters, I will really try hard to receive my Doctorate. I would love to get a Doctorate in Philosophy at USC under Dallas Willard. He is the head of the Philosophy program over there and hopefully I will be able to make some noise in the secular world. If this does work out for me, then I would love to become a Professor of Philosophy at a Christian University, maybe Talbot in Biola. But these plans will not take place in six years. It will take much longer for them to develop.

In six years I will definitely want to be married to the girl of my dreams. I honestly do not want any children in this time san because I want to enjoy marriage with my wife without kids for a while and I would like to pay off as much college debt as possible. I want to be financially stable before I even think about having any kids and if I have kids within the next six years, I know I will not be financially stable (mostly college debt). Hopefully I will achieve most, if not all of these goals within the next six years.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Blog Critiques

My first blog critique is Michael Harrison. I like how he was short and sweet with this one and that is how he is with most of his blogs. Not much wasted space and very to the point. Many people write around the topic, but not his. In “The Global Economy” he gave a very well thought out answer without writing an extensive book.

My next blog is Max on “Vietnam War Aftermath- America”. This was another blog that was not extensive, but very to the point. The content was good in this blog, however I did not see any links in it. I’m not sure if they needed the links for that specific blog, but I am just assuming they did. For this reason, I will give Maximillion a 95%.

Janelle is next and she blogged on the “Last Supper”. This may sound harsh, but maybe she had to be somewhere before she wrote this blog. I say that because of the minimal effort (at best) that was put into this blog. Not to be mean, but I read the blog and did not come away with any new information like I have with the other blogs. I would recommend a little more effort next time. This piece of work gets a 63% in my book.

Andrew Patag blogged on “Roman Architecture”. This blog was informative, but I thought a little more effort would have enhanced the blog and the grade. I would give this blog a B-, but more effort would result in an A- in my book.

The last blog is Kelsey Verburg and she wrote on “Christianity in Rome”. The main thing that stuck out to me was spelling and grammatical errors in general. Sadly, this part gave the blog a negative feel for the rest of the blog. Past the spelling and grammatical errors, the blog had good content and ideas. I would highly recommend using spell check and proof reading it before posting the blog.